Marlena Marie

Spiritual Advisor, Intuitive, Energy and Vibrational Healer


Natural Born Empath, Healer, & Intuitive. I have the gifts of Feeling, Knowing, & Hearing. I help others to heal with energy & vibrations, my mind, and the help of my guides and angels. I have done this for many years, and distance does not matter. I can channel energy, and even channel the healing vibrations of flowers and gems. I am an ordained minister and reiki master. Other healing modalities I use are, Qi-gong, Quantum Touch, meridian tapping, dowsing, sweeping, crystals therapies, and channeling light. I also balance chakras, clean auras, and remove negative energies from you and your home. I can help you with clarity on any situation, and will guide you toward your hightest good.


CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

Certified Chikara-Reiki-Do Master integrating Usui & Tibetan reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho)

marlenamarie's photo

Languages: English

Media: Audio Call, Video Call

Local Time: (GMT-05:00) June 01, 2024, 07:36AM

Location: Savannah, GA  (Find on Google Maps)

Last seen: more than a month ago

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