Create Affiliate Profile

Press "Continue" button when finished.

Your username cannot be changed and will be visible to all users. It should begin with a letter and may only contain digits, underscores, or decimal points in addition to letters. It may not contain spaces.

Username (screen name):

Password must be at least 4 characters long.

Choose password:

Please verify your password by re-typing it.

Retype password:

A valid email address is required to join the BitWine Network.


The name of your business or organization.

Business Name:

Your business or organization's physical mailing address. Please separate lines with a comma.


The phone number at which your business can be reached during business hours.

Phone Number:

The person who will represent your business when communicating with BitWine.

Contact Person:

Receive payments via PayPal:

In order to get paid you need to connect your PayPal account. Please enter the email you use with PayPal.

PayPal Email:

Please verify your PayPal email by re-typing it.

Retype PayPal Email:


Check to confirm you have read and agree to BitWine’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

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