Persecutor, Victim, Rescuer

over 10 years ago
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Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

Often I’ve thought life is more of a mind game moving in and out of the white and black spaces of life. Really a chess game we voluntarily play with everyone in our lives.

We fall into being the Victim no matter what situation we are in the moment. Whether it is an abusive relationship with friends or family, illness, or chronic disease, bad things happen to us every day. Death, or by accident everyone will find themselves being a victim of their circumstances.

We fall into another role we choose to play having to be rescued from the darkness that follows us from negative experiences, circumstances, and situations. We want someone to rescue us from the situation or circumstances.

Last we fall into another role of being the persucutor. We feel we have the right to judge, and be prejudice.

These roles we switch around with various people in our lives. We fail to understand we can never be done with the game of life, until we take full responsibility for our actions and behaviors.

Not one of ever asked to be in the situation or circumstances we are in, in the moment. We must accept the fact we have created some scenario’s ourselves. Often we can leave one bad situation, only to find the rescuer than becomes our persecutor, and than we become the victim once again, looking for someone else to rescue us.

How many times do we need to go around and around. Fortunately you have to stop being the victim in life. Stop being the persecutor, and stop being the rescuer.

It’s hard to take responsibility of your own emotions and feelings. It’s harder to take responsibility for your own thoughts. It’s even harder to take responsibility for the choices you make.

After all if you take responsibility for your own life, you can never blame it on anyone else why things don’t happen in your life the way you want it too. Justified is there are abusers out there? So figure out why you need to be in a relationship that is abusive?

Abusive relationships require you to have low self worth and self esteem. It depends on you being weak minded. Abusive relationships only survive on you being a victim instead of having the courage to walk out of the relationship.

The persecutor depends on you being ignorant, uneducated, unaware, and weak in the aspect you don’t know how to set your boundaries to stand up for yourself.

How do you end up being the victim? Most likely you have learned dysfunctional ways of communicating, and behaving growing up. Most likely and abusive warzone. Again they demonstrated victim mentality and someone had to rescue them, from their persecutor. Arugments, and fights are really nothing but someone using their words and thoughts to make you the victim.

So once you know there is no need for you to take anything personally they don’t affect you anymore. It’s never about you. It’s about what they’ve experienced, and how they know how to paly the game. Someone needs to win and someone needs to lose.

The best thing you can do is to have compassion for others. There is no point in arguing with others that need to be right and you need to be wrong. It’s best just to let go, and move on than have to keep playing chess.

Deceptions, lies, cheating, hiding things, are all really superficial. You can’t be real with yourself and take responsibility for your life, other people’can’t either.

Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself whether this relationship is worth having in your life. Does it lift you up, or bring you down. Sometimes it is good to burn bridges, and other times it is good to build bridge’s.

Be around like minded people. For family members you can still acknowledge them, and be nice to them, but if they really need to bring you down and lower your self worth get out of the environment.

Getting out of negative environment heals you and you can think more clearly. Love yourself enough to know what is best for you. Be responsible for your life. Get a job, make money, use your creativity. Educate yourself, and become aware. Don’t persecute others for not being educated or aware. People talk crap, because they don’t know any better. Let it go and move on. There already in enough pain and suffering.They don’t need anymore. You don’t need anymore, so why stand there and take the abuse? Why abuse? Does anyone really win? Learn to let go! If you are taking responsibility for your own emotions, feelings, and life, you can’t become a victim.