over 8 years ago
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Nicole Bowman (readings_with_nicole)

116 posts

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are doing well today. It is still warm here in Romania. Quite a change from the cold, rainy weather I experienced on the day of my arrival about a month ago.

Today I want to leave you with a thought concerning romantic partnerhships. I have often read for men and women who are convinced that all the good ones are taken. After years of heartache, betrayl, and bitterness those people often close off their hearts and develop a very tough exterior. Their humor becomes sarcastic, biting, and they are reluctant to let anyone in. It’s almost as if these people put up an emotional wall in an effort to say “the only person worthy of being with me is someone who can scale this wall I’ve built. I’m not taking it down. They need to climb over it.”

While these sentiments are perfectly logical one level and may serve as a means of protection until the right person to comes in, they often have the opposite effect.

You see, loving, warm, confident people are attracted to warmth, vulnerability, and honesty.Healthy, balanced people are not going to spend much time playing mind games or dealing with emotional manipulation because the person they are considering dating has been hurt in the past. I have often seen that people who adopt this touch exterior usually find themselves alone & the walls used to protect them often keep the good people out as well a the bad.

That is why it is so important to know what we want out of a relationship and know who we are. We also need to be honest about the life phase we are currently in. If we have been guarded for many years perhaps it is better to date casually and get our feet wet before zeroing in on an exclusive partner. We may not be ready for the level of vulnerability, openess, and patience it takes to get to know someone and build a long term relationship. We may also not be ready for the level of dissapointment that comes in if the relationship does not work out.

If we are truly ready to settle down it is time to stop connecting with people who only way us for sex or at their personal convenience. Being clear about our standards, what we deserve, and what we believe about our own self worth is it’s own form of protection. When you love yourself and honor yourself you don’t need to use sarcasm, anger, and walls to keep people out. You behavior will speak for itself.

So keep your heart clear this weekend. If you need to let someone go, let them go. Realize that we all get hurt in the game of love. It is a part of life but if we are honest about who we are & hold fast what we believe our equals will rise up to meet us. It just takes time.

I am available today 9/18 starting at 330pm eastern time to take your calls.

Have a great weekend!

Love, Light, and Wisdom from Romania
