Spiritual message for 10 08 2016

over 7 years ago
astromaestro's photo

AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

1901 posts

Once the Atma is cognised, you will find that all is really One. This is the goal prescribed by the scriptures of this land. But the children of this sacred land have neglected it and are today struggling in the quagmires and cesspools of faction and fear. When the four bulls that grazed in the jungle were united and watchful of each other’s safety (for they felt they were all one) the tiger dared not approach them; but, when discord broke them and created out of the ‘one’, four separate individuals, they were attacked one by one, and devoured by the tiger. That is the fate of those who feel separate. Know that though vyaktis (individuals) may be separate, the shakti (power) is one; that Shakti is the Paramatmatattva (principle of the supreme Atma). This is the message that I bring. This message surely is hitha (beneficial), though it may not be priya (pleasing). A patient must take medicines and follow the restrictions that doctors recommend; they cannot eat and live as they please during illness. The doctor knows best and must be obeyed to regain health