Karma and Readings!

over 7 years ago
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MysticAnswers (mysticanswers)

48 posts

Many times I’ve seen clients take a reading from an Advisor, then not be satisfied and request, or just do a refund.

I’d like to comment on this…

So imagine this scenario…

You are hired by a company to work, and are told what they want you to do. You go to work, you do what has been asked of you to the best of your ability, and at the end of your day (or at the end of your job/task) you are told by the company that they are not satisfied with your work and they will not pay you.


You would surely have a law suit on your hands. You can’t NOT be paid for the work you’ve done. You can be fired… not asked to work there ever again, but for that day/job/task you have to get paid!

And if you didn’t get paid, how would you feel?! (never mind the legality of it) Wouldn’t it anger you? Or at least upset you? Maybe even for days? For some, even longer. The damage that was done by that company to you mentally, emotionally! Not fair, right?! YOU did your best and what they did to you was totally unfair. No?

Then there is the aspect of Karma. What goes around comes around.

You hired that person to do something for you. Granted, you can be dis-satisfied, so then don’t go to that person again. But to not pay them! To ask for a refund. How unfair is that?!

And those that do that, well, in my opinion that is going to come back to them. They too, at some point will be treated or experience unfairness of that nature. It’s only a matter of time. Food for thought.

If you’re not satisfied with the reading, why not just end it and go elsewhere? Why let that person do their job, go through the whole reading, only to then say to them “oh, sorry, don’t like what you said so I’m not paying you.”

Take a minute by minute reading, don’t take a package, so that you can see how you really connect with that person. And if you don’t connect, end it. But why take a reading and then not pay the person for their work? How fair is that?

Here’s another couple of scenario..

A person goes to the doctor. The doctor gives a diagnosis which is incorrect. Does the doctor not get their fee for the visit? Of course he does. Have you ever heard of someone getting a refund from a doctor’s office? Or a psychologists office? Or any other ‘service’ oriented business? Of course not! So then why do so many think that it’s ok to get a ‘refund’ from a psychic?

You go to a restaurant, order a steak, eat the steak and then after you’ve eaten it say “You know… I really didn’t like that steak, I’m not paying for it.” You think you can do that? You think the restaurant is going to side with you? Of course not. Now if you take a couple of bites and then say, ‘gee, I don’t like this steak’... they will be happy to take it away and bring you something else. (Just as we have our 3 minute ‘trial’ time.) But after eating the whole steak, you are not entitled to a refund. So why do people think that they are entitled to a refund from a psychic?

Are psychics not people like everyone else? Why do they deserve to be treated like that? I just don’t get how anyone could justify to themselves taking someone’s efforts and not compensating for them!?

Having someone do something (a job) and then not paying them is theft. You’re stealing that persons time and lying to them. Because you initially agreed to pay them for their time and effort. They gave you their time and effort, yet you didn’t keep your part, as agreed. You cheated them, therefore stole from them.

Just saying, you know?