Spiritual message for 11 11 2016

over 7 years ago
astromaestro's photo

AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

1901 posts

Today many people do not attach importance to reciting Lord’s Name. It is a great mistake. Many are facing a lot of problems because they are not doing namasmarana. In the present age (Kali) chanting the divine name alone can redeem your lives. There is no other refuge! Singing the Lord’s glory is highly sacred. There are many snakes of wicked qualities in the anthill of your heart. When you recite the divine name, all the ‘snakes’ of bad qualities will come out. Namasmarana is like nadaswaram which attracts snakes and brings them out of anthills. Let this mellifluous name (nadaswaram) be your breath of life (jeevanaswaram). Repeat God’s name incessantly in order to get rid of evil qualities. Let each and every street reverberate with the singing of divine glory. Let each and every cell of your body be filled with divine name.