Psychic Reading Special!

over 7 years ago
psychicsamantha112's photo

Spiritual Insights By Samantha (psychicsamantha112)

216 posts

Psychic Reading Original price $120 discount price $55, time of reading depends on you is can usually take up to 20 minutes or 1 hour,

if you have any specific questions that you'd need some guidance or questions on, or want to read into someone else's energy and deepest thoughts this may be a good choice for you

psychic readings can pick up on anyone in your life and you as well as past present and future, also gets into energy bases,

also psychic readings are more detailed then others,

psychic readings are very beneficial they can help you with moving forward with something or backing away from something that isn’t good for you, and pick up on many other things providing accurate more in-depth information rather then your general love reading tarot or palm reading,

if you find yourself interested in having a psychic reading join me for a session only information needed is names and date of births! blessings to all