Numerology, Colors, Crystals and 2019

over 5 years ago

Only a few more days of my 2019 yearly reading.

This year I am doing things a bit differently. I was really inspired by the work of Louise Hay related to colors and numbers. So I have developed a numerology system that uses the Buchanan Numerology System and Louise Hay’s work with colors and numbers.

I have two 2019 readings available. The first is my $10 deal, which is the number(s), colors, and crystals for the year.

The second special I am offering is the $75 reading special. This will give you a month by month outlook based on the Buchanan and Hay numerological systems.

The $10 reading is to look at the trends for the entire year. The $75 reading identifies the trends coming up for the whole year and each of the 12-months.

This will only be available until January 5, 2019. So stop on in and find out what numbers, colors, and crystals relate to you in 2019.

Love & light to all!

-James M.