What is spirituality

over 8 years ago
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What is it?

over 8 years ago

Spirituality is your own personal experiences with divinity, truth, love, and infinity.

Religions are doctrines by which you may lead your life in order to be closer to the divine.

Spirituality is your own interpretation of doctrines, life experiences, and inner wisdom about existence.

Stop by today for a reading and I can look into whatever topics you are most curious about.

Love&Light, Leona Graves

over 8 years ago

Well friend, Shabd is referring to a spiritual current which can be perceived in meditation as inner light and sound. Yoga is referring to the uniting of our real essence (soul) through an inner listening with focused mental concentration (surat) upon an inner sound (shabd) which it is maintained emanates from the Supreme Being. It is therefore taught as the unchanging and primordial technique for uniting the soul with the supreme being via the power of Shabd.

over 8 years ago

Spirituality is discovering your self. It is also realizing that your self and everyone else is divinely connected. We are all connected by the same essential creation. When I meditate on that which binds us all, I feel this in my solar plexus Chakra. Just above the navel and slightly below. When I meditate on my divine essence, I feel “this” in my stomach. What “this” is, is unexplainable through words. Words can only deviate from “this”. Even the word “this” deviates from what “this” is. What “this” is is something so powerful that no human being can explain it. “This” is how I understand spirituality.