Do I tell or not?

over 11 years ago

Do I tell my husband’s employer my discovery that he has been stealing from them for probably the last 2 years? We separated 6 months ago several weeks later discovered what he’d been up to when cleaning out the house and confronted him about all these items. Adds up to over $6,000 worth of stock, and this is weighing very heavily on my conscience. Husband said they won’t believe me because he has made up stories about me to his employers.

We were together 21 yrs and he turned into this monster virtually overnight and has no morals, ethics or values anymore.

over 11 years ago

Yes, even if anonymously. Knowing and not saying something, you are just as guilty as he is for doing it

over 11 years ago

Hello Lisa, I would love to help you with this situation if you would like, i’m online now. Take care and be blessed!:)

over 11 years ago

I should add that I’ve been wanting to let his employer know, but friends and family have told me to “just let it go”. But his whole value system has been compromised and he has become very arrogant saying that the company and his bosses think he is a wonderful employee and their “star employee” and anything I say against him won’t be believed by them.

He’s lied to them about me breaking up the marriage, when it was him – had an affair with my next door neighbour’s wife (pretending to be the husband’s friend and be helpful to him doing DIY and mowing his lawns when he wasn’t around), all the time so he could be near his wife and kids. Had a fantasy that he could steal them away from this guy and have an instant family.

Then when all was revealed, he denied and denied to his friends that he was having the affair and blamed me for the marriage ending. But most of them now know the truth.

He still will deny to anyone else that he was the bad person in this.

And still making stories up to his best friend about me (which I get to hear about).

He has no honour and I believe he will steal again from his employers. That’s why I feel the need to tell them and cover myself too.

over 11 years ago
psychiclee's photo

Advisor Destiny Lee (psychiclee)

1893 posts

It would be my pleasure to look into this for you. I do sense good is to come of this situation. If you like you more than welcome to chat with me. Im having great deals and offers so now will be a great time to come chat with me. Your question will be answers in one session. looking foward to chatting with you soon! TY & GB :)

over 11 years ago

you know the right thing to do. If you don’t report this, not matter what comes of it in the sense of him talking badly of you saying you are lying, when and should the time come when they find out the truth that he was stealing, you will be held accountable for not revealing the information. You will be held just as guilty as him.

You have some serious thinking to do here. I wish you all the best in this situation.

wether you stole or not, you may be charged with guilty by association*

over 11 years ago

hello, Please contact me and I will give you accurate answers to your questions right away and more . My readings come true . Sunn10020-Fee $10-Blessings

over 11 years ago
womanofguidance's photo

Lia (Queen Of Righteousness) (womanofguidance)

481 posts

Come and chat with me, I have some important insight to tell you. I would like to assist you further…Thanks!

over 11 years ago
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.... (intuitivechrista)

23 posts

I would love to give you the insight and answers that you are needing. To me it sounds like you need more of advice than a Psychic. Either way I am here to guide you and lead you into the right direction. Send me a chat and I can only charge what you can afford. I always work with my clients.

over 11 years ago
bluedragon's photo

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts

Hi Lisa,

I would let it go. You probably enjoyed some of the money he spent whether you realize it or not. PLUS it sounds like you are being petty and wanting to punish him more then to be honest. And he didnt turn into the person he was overnight…he was like that all along,you just didnt see it. I am online now and would be glad to help you with this or anything else you may wonder about.

Blessed be!


over 11 years ago
bluedragon's photo

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts

oh just a little PS here….

depending on what state you live in and what country, YOU could be charged with aiding and abetting…making you just as guilty as he is.

over 11 years ago
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EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Lisa,

I tend to agree with Robin here.

However you mentioned that his family said let it go and that he values system was comprised.

Remember it is our family of origin (the place we grew up in – whether biological or not) is where we all learn our values system.

Even criminials come from family – think of the Mafia (they have they own set of rules – totally different and we also excuse anything).

No I am not saying he comes from the Mafia just uses this as an example.

You may like to read some of my articles and profile to see if I am the reader for you or not?

All the best EstherLibra