what dose my friend B really think of me?

over 13 years ago

we have hung out a few times and have fun. i wonder what he really thinks though of me.

over 13 years ago
tabithacan2011's photo

TabithaDaly (tabithacan2011)

5 posts

have you tried asking him what he thinks of you? does he seem to enjoy the time you spend together as much as you do?

over 13 years ago

yea, he dose seem to enjoy it equally. i think overall we both know where we stand in our life and what kinds of people we are. with him though he may never exactly come right out and let you know. so that’s why i wonder what he really thinks of me. it sort of feels a bit of a mystery and so that’s why i wonder.

over 13 years ago
starsalign didn't upload a photo

Starsalign (starsalign)

190 posts

I actually pulled out a Tarot card for you,the prince of disks upright,this card means he is planting seeds for his future,might be leaving his options open for you? contact me so we can draw some more cards-Stacy

over 13 years ago
ms.lea.garcia didn't upload a photo

MRS.LEA.GARCIA☼ (ms.lea.garcia)

285 posts

hello im Lea, and i just want to let you know that im scencing an attraction from your friend towards you, msg me with your name or date of birth i will tell you with full details what i am seeing accuracte and honestyly :) Godbless

over 13 years ago
ravenwolf's photo

Crystal Blue (ravenwolf)

28 posts

he does seem to be interested but i feel someone else is talking his ear about not going for it

over 13 years ago

O wow, thats very interesting as I didnt think he would be actually attracted or interested in me that much. That’s why I was wondering what he may or may not actually think of me. Thanx everyone for your answers.